I went through a couple ideas when working on this project. I, of course, wanted to use a controller that I had not yet experimented with. The KORG nanoKONTROL2 was suggested to me by Prof. Wang, and I began thinking about how I could use that incorporate fixed media with live performance. I recorded a couple different sound and attached them to the controller. These sounds are a C#5 drone, two passages from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay entitled “Experience,” some vocal exercises, and a combination of breath, body percussion, and lip trills. Using the controller, I introduce the texts and interweave the two over the drone and two other sounds. My brain likes finding all permutations, and while I didn’t use all combinations of sounds and sound events, I had a fun time experimenting with them all to create a whole piece. The live performance aspect includes the spoken text but sung by me through a vocoder. The harmonies here are quite simple, as I was focusing on combining the live and fixed media most.
I chose to use Emerson’s essay, as I have been reading a lot of his work lately. I found pairing it with a more meditative drone music to be appropriate. I recommend anyone who is interested to read his essays and poetry — they are helpful for dealing with self-doubt and nihilism.