Quiz 4 Study Guide

How to Study for Quiz 4

This quiz covers the MIDI web page and the first two pages of the MIDI Messages app.

Make sure you understand the following terms and concepts. “(p. 1)” means that page one of the app contains relevant information. No page number means that the MIDI web page covers the concept.

  • What is a MIDI message?
  • MIDI channel
  • MIDI interface, ports (in, out, thru), and cables
  • direct USB connection between a computer and a MIDI device
  • the General MIDI (GM) standard: program bank organization, drums on channel 10
  • Standard MIDI File
  • MIDI protocol (p. 1)
  • MIDI message structure: status byte, data bytes (p. 1)
  • What two pieces of information does a status byte convey? (p. 2)
  • the 8 different types of MIDI message (p. 2)
  • Is there a MIDI message type that conveys duration? (p. 2)