Quiz 5 Study Guide

How to Study for Quiz 5

This quiz covers pages 3-6 of the MIDI Messages app.

Make sure you understand the following terms and concepts. “(p. 1)” means that page one of the app contains relevant information.

  • channel voice messages (p. 3)
  • What range of values does a MIDI data byte have? (p. 3)
  • What two pieces of information are conveyed by the data bytes of a note-on message? (p. 3)
  • channel pressure (aftertouch) message (p. 3)
  • What two pieces of information are conveyed by the data bytes of a control change message? (p. 4)
  • continuous vs. switch control change messages (p. 4)
  • Which control change messages have a standard, specific aural effect across most patches? (p. 4)
  • How does the range of values for a pitch bend message differ from that of other message types? (p. 5)
  • What is the motivation for having a different range of values for pitch bend? (p. 5)