Here is a list of assignments for the course. Please refer to the syllabus for due dates.
- Assignment 1: MIDI Sequencing
Create a multi-track sequence using Reason. This can be your own music or a creative arrangement of someone else’s music. Learn how to set up for recording, specify sounds and effects, use the metronome, correct mistakes, quantize notes, edit velocities, create loops, and set initial tempo, volume, and panning.
- Assignment 2: MIDI Editing
Build on your sequencing skills to create a radically altered version of some existing music I provide you with. Learn how to use the Mixing Board to control volume, panning, and effects. Manipulate performance controllers, such as the joystick, and automate synthesis and sampling parameters. Make tempo changes.
- Assignment 3: Working with Audio Tracks
Reason lets you combine instrument tracks with audio tracks, which use bits of recorded audio. I provide the audio for this assignment; you use it creatively to make some music. Learn how to chop up and rearrange audio tracks. Scale the duration and pitch of audio clips.
- Final Project
Use all the knowledge you’ve gained to put together a longer piece of music. We’ll listen to everyone’s work during the last few days of the course.