Quiz 4 Study Guide

How to Study for Quiz 4

This quiz covers the “Digital Audio, Part 1” and “Digital Audio, Part 2” web pages.

Be able to answer the following questions.

  • What does a transducer do?
  • What do the abbreviations ADC and DAC stand for?
  • What is the difference between a continuous and a discrete audio signal?
  • What is the sampling rate?
  • What aspect of sound quality does the sampling rate affect?
  • What does the Nyquist Theorem state?
  • Given a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz, what is the Nyquist frequency?
  • What is aliasing?
  • What happens to frequencies that are higher than the Nyquist frequency when you convert a signal from a digital to an analog representation?
  • Name three common sampling rates.
  • What is sampling resolution? What aspect of an audio signal does it affect?
  • Which set of specifications gives the better sampling resolution: 48 kHz / 8-bit or 44.1 kHz / 16-bit?
  • When converting from analog to digital, what process does the term quantization refer to?
  • What is quantization error?
  • How does the addition of a single bit of resolution affect the number of integers available for quantization?
  • In a digital system, how does clipping happen?
  • What are some commonly used bit depths?
  • How much storage is required by two minutes of a stereo, CD-quality sound file? Explain your reasoning.
  • Why is the MP3 format referred to as lossy compression?