Quiz 9 Study Guide

How to Study for Quiz 9

This quiz covers the web page readings about effects. Understand the following terms and concepts.

Filters and EQ

  • List some reasons why you might use EQ.
  • Know these terms: frequency response graph, cutoff frequency, center frequency, bandwidth, Q.
  • Understand how the following filter types affect the spectrum: low-pass, high-pass, low-shelf, high-shelf, peak/notch.
  • Which filters could you use to reduce the brightness of a sound?
  • How do the capabilities of high-pass and low-shelf filters differ?
  • parametric vs. graphic EQ

Delay Effects

  • Understand the basic architecture of a delay effect, including these terms: delay line, delay time, wet/dry mix, feedback.
  • What delay time and feedback settings are required to produce the following kinds of delay effect: discrete echoes, melodic line thickening, resonator. Which of these three requires longer delay times?

Dynamics Effects

  • What is dynamic range?
  • What is the loudness war?
  • Name the four types of dynamics processor and what they do to dynamic range.
  • How does a transfer function graph show what a dynamics processor does to incoming amplitudes?
  • What is a gain reduction meter?
  • How do the different types of dynamics processor treat the threshold and ratio parameters?
  • In a noise gate, what parameter determines whether you hear incoming sound?
  • How does a compressor with a sidechain differ from one without a sidechain?